Monday, September 19, 2011

Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps

So I don't normally advertise products in this forum or in general, but this is a great one. If you don't use it, you've probably seen or walked past it in Whole Foods, Fairway, or some other organics-centric market. I've used the almond (which sort of smells like marzipan) and lavender, but just bought the citrus orange this weekend which is delightful! The soap is totally biodegradable and vegetable-based, meaning it doesn't contain any animal fat/tallow. It's also certified fair trade and made with organic oils. It smells nice and clean and apparently has 18 basic uses, diluted and undiluted. They include body wash, mouthwash, laundry detergent, light house cleaning, a fruit and vegetable rinse, and deodorant. Simply put, it's good shit. Now my point, contrary to what it probably seems like so far, is not to encourage you to buy this soap. Here's my point: I bought a new variation of the soap ("flavor," as I like to incorrectly call it), over the weekend. For some reason, this was the first time I looked at the label. The website describes the labels as "Dr. Bronner's philosophy," and describes that philosophy as an "urgent message to realize our transcendent unity across religious and ethnic divides." But actually looking at the labels makes me think this dude was a complete nut, and then makes me question my decision to buy this soap. I'll still buy it, but shit these labels are weird.

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