Tuesday, March 10, 2009

One of Those Days

I feel overwhelmed today. I have so much work to get done, and with all these people getting laid off here, the work keeps getting redistributed among those of us left. I just inherited a ton of work on top of the stuff I already have going on, and I'm just barely treading water. I know I need to change a bunch of things at this point in my life, but the process of taking it all on is daunting. Today's one of those days that it seems way more scary than exciting.

Anyway, I normally wouldn't post something like this but I had an interview today. It's for a part time job that starts next month and ends in August. It might seem like a stupid thing to do -- giving up a solid job for something so temporary in this economic climate. But I'm in desperate need of a change, and a break, and some time to think and get my shit together. I'm too young to be stuck in something I don't enjoy or feel good about, and I think I just need to make a quick, drastic move to force myself out. I read somewhere that over 70% of Americans are miserable in their jobs. There's no reason to complain and complain if you don't plan on actively doing anything to change the situation, and I refuse to be one of that 70% - stuck, unhappy, stagnant. Hayyyyl nah. Anyway...just needed to vent.


Tigriss said...

The work situation sucks. People these days are working people harder because they have to and not giving a shit because they don't need to - they haven't made you collect unemployment.
As for quitting your job I'm not going to tell you to stay - I quit mine and I had none. That said it feels absolutely terrifying and smugly satisfying depending on the day. It's your life and you shouldn't work a job you can't stand for a day longer than you absolutely have to, if you're not financially constrained fuck it.
That said if you're quitting because of the work load that is a bad idea. I've come to the sad realization that you can't make money with out doing work. I think that's why so many lottery winners eventually end up broke. And if you show you've done mad work people pay you more money. If you need to maintain a lifestyle make sure you have the bank roll to do it. And you're quitting and doing something, not getting laid off or fired and freaking. Truthfully, I don't know if you'll be completely satisfied either way, but life isn't fair.

The DAT said...

we all have to get stuff off our chest sometimes.

whats the part-time job?

José said...

Truth be told, money is important and jobs keep you busy and stimulated. If your job doesn't stimulate you, then that's acceptable cause to consider leaving it. Though I don't fully follow through, I'm a firm believer in taking risks at this age. You're 24 going on 25 and, whether you think so or not, you can afford to not work or to do something risqué for some time. My most obvious impetus for saying this is: You don't have a family to support. Then you'd be strapped, but now you're not. So, take a risk if you like, you will eventually find a job again... You may have to give up some of the things you enjoy... Or be more mindful with your spending and savings and what not... But you will find another job eventually. You've got a lot going for you; you're young, female, beautiful, and, more important, talented, intelligent, and ready to change the world. So, do your thing. Simply choose.