Thursday, April 17, 2008

It begins.

Hello to all three people reading my blog! While starting one up is pretty exciting for me, it also comes with its share of embarrassment. You see, a lot of my good friends have blogs of their own and I've talked some kind of crap about each of them. I just had an issue with the overwhelming Gen Y "Hey, hey! Look at me! This is my life in photo album and wall post form! Pay attention! Am I cool? Do you like my new pic? Ok, now let me force-feed you all of my emo thoughts by posting my blog's URL wherever there's a blinking cursor!" attitude.

I've obviously changed my tune a little here, and it's mostly because reading my friends' blogs has shown me what intelligent, thoughtful, and funny people they are. The objective of mine isn't so much to showcase my writing or anything so formal. From time to time on this little space, I'll be sharing with you the shit that just occurs to me on a daily basis. Things that I'd probably want to talk to you about anyway, but will forget about by the time I see you again.

I understand that it can be a sad and lonely world for a blogger out here - posts left without comments, people yelling at you for not posting often enough, etc. But I think I'll give it a shot.

P.S. To avoid answering the same question more than once, "masala" is an Indian spice. 'Cause you know. I'm spicy. Also, there was a movie in the '90s called "Mississippi Masala," so the title is just a play on that.


Tigriss said...

Welcome. We've been awaiting your cross to the darkside.

Unknown said...

Only three people get to see this? I'm soo honored,nerd hahaha. Unless of course you think I'm one of the few losers who have no life and spend my entire day searching for things online (which I am) haha. In either case, thanks for the invite. Needless to say I'll be looking for something funny to read from you everyday :)

V.C. said...

Am I the third? I guess that makes me the Holy Spirit. I'm excited. See you soon.

José said...

I'm looking forward to reading you, buddy. You might be my first Firefox blog tab.

Likeabite said...

haha...i love the title...gets get it vick

Mizell said...


The DAT said...

long time coming. i'm expecting big things. no pressure ;)