Friday, April 25, 2008


I'm pretty much never laughing when I type "lol" or "haha." Most times, I'm not even smiling, which is pretty weird. Just imagine someone typing "lol" or "hahaha!" with a totally straight face. Or even a slight frown. And a furrowed brow. Kinda like this.

"LMAO! Hahahaha. That's hilarious."

I'm going to try to be true to myself, and more honest with you, by introducing "LLOL." It's not a typo. It just means that I'm literally laughing out loud. Like Jesus. Pretty simple, right? Watch it catch on like a California wildfire.


M. said...

So true. LOL these days means, "I'm too lazy to laugh." But can you really blame us? Technology is making every so freakin easy. We don't have to do shit anymore. Soon we won't even have to shit! LOL (with a straight face).

The DAT said...

i remember we had a conversation about this like 4 years ago. i hate this about you.

Tigriss said...

Is there some sort of prize for whoever gets the first one or are you going to play it off casually?

getlowe said...

Gets the first what?

Tigriss said...


getlowe said... one's gotten it yet.

Mizell said...

i bet it's me.

Unknown said...

I rememeber the conversation we had about this. For the record every time I say "lol" or haha, I am actually do so

getlowe said...

What a blatant lie.