Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Matter of Etiquette


If you gave someone a gift, and you're with them when they get complimented on it, and the person doesn't say anything about having gotten it as a gift from you, is that rude?

For example, you gave me a pair of earrings. We're out one evening and someone we knows says, 'oh, nice earrings.' I say, 'thanks,' and although you're standing right there, I don't mention that it was a gift from you. Would you feel snubbed?


Unknown said...

Hmmmmmmm, that's a tough one. I think I might. Would you?

M. said...

I'm with Ele on this one...

Tigriss said...

No. It's a second handed compliment which is even better than being complimented directly. You're wearing the earrings that I thought were nice and so a compliment by a unbiased third party confirms that my selection was on point. They just gave me an unsolicited compliment. Fighting over public recognition isn't that deep.

Anonymous said...

wtf? mofo you better give me props...

M. said...

lmao @ shawn....

getlowe said...

I totally agree. I think it's just plain rude if you don't even mention that it was a gift from the person standing RIGHT there.